Equivalent Translations specializes in Dutch-English and English-Dutch certified translation of educational documents, civil-registry certificates, legal, medical, technical and many other documents. Contact us for quick-delivery options.
Tell me more!Whether you need a certified or a regular translation. We convey the message, simply and correctly. Quality at a reasonable word rate.
You have written a text in English or Dutch. We can check it for you so that the final product is perfect. Quality at a reasonable hourly rate.
A paper, thesis or maybe even a book. We can edit it for you so that the final product is perfect. Quality at a reasonable hourly rate.
Translation of all types of diplomas, degree certificates, marks lists and reports from kindergarten to university from the Netherlands and abroad. We have more than 400 templates of diplomas and degree certificates so we can generally deliver quickly.
Translation of many different types of legal documents, for the courts, private persons and companies, including court documents, immigration papers, asylum procedures and civil-registry documents from the Netherlands and abroad.
Translation of many different types of notarial documents for companies, translation agencies, civil-law notaries and private persons, including last wills, articles of association, cohabitation contracts, prenuptial and antenuptial agreements, etc.
A broad range of technical translations, including documents for the oil industry, transport, shipping, tram and train technology and other general technical translations.
A broad range of medical translations, including medical reports and certificates, brochures and flyers for hospitals and (outpatient) clinics, hospital websites, etc.
Including bank statements, tax returns, CV’s, passports, driver’s licences, Chamber of Commerce extracts, correspondence, books, minutes of meetings, websites, etc.
Mark combines his extensive knowledge of the English language with drive and enthusiasm. He is focussed on getting the best results for all involved. Because of his open mind, genuine interest, professional attitude as a translator, Mark created a healthy and professional balance in developing the best product together. Mark liaised quickly with the subject matter and listened and reacted with professional calmness and respect toward the project and those involved. He is dependable, trustworthy, maintains a very high professional standard and a joy to work with.
Hilde Beukema | Teamcoach/procesbegeleider Haagse Hogeschool
Mark is a very punctual and reliable translator for excellent (technical) translations for Alstom for many years.
Annemiek Oostveen | Marketing & Sales Alstom Transport B.V.
De vertaalwerkzaamheden die Mark voor mij gedaan heeft zijn te allen tijde ruim binnen de daartoe gestelde termijn, uiterst correct en naar volle tevredenheid uitgevoerd. De samenwerking met de heer Overbeeke is door mij altijd als buitengewoon plezierig ervaren.
Ferry Medendorp - Medendorp-Vertaaldienst
“Mark is very professional and his finished projects are of very high quality.
We are looking forward to doing many more projects together.”
Ducate Woerden
Mark specializes among others in education (more than 400 templates of diplomas and degree certificates from universities and schools in the Netherlands and abroad), civil-registry documents, human resources, legal and medical translations. In order to fulfil his life-long learning obligations as a translator, he regularly attends courses on linguistics as well as medical and legal courses.
Corporate and social responsibility is engrained in the business ethics of Equivalent Translations.
Our electricity is generated by solar panels, documents are only printed when necessary and invoices are sent electronically. Personal contact is very important. A personal approach creates optimum cooperation with our clients. If possible, certified translations are delivered in person (and by bike).
In a private capacity, Mark is secretary of the Netherlands Kiribati Friendship Association, NKFA. The NKFA not only wishes to foster good relations amongst all those with an association with the Republic of Kiribati, but actively supports the Kiribati School and Centre for Children with Special Needs in Bikenibeu, Kiribati. Mark is also a board member of the WRTC, an NGO dealing with water issues in Myanmar.
For more information or a quote. Contact us now.
For more information or a quote, contact us now.
Equivalent Translations
Mark Overbeeke
Ahornstraat 57
2565 ZV The Hague
Phone: 06-22411841
Email: info@equivalentvertalingen.nl